The 7 Green Flags On A Ship

Green in colour signaling a go ahead in life and growth.

Geetika Sethi
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2021


Credits- Allec Gomes on Unsplash

This is no ordinary ship that’s sailing in the sea. I am talking about the the ship that sails in our life- Relationship and Friendship.

So just like in a ship that sails the flags are up for the world to see, in the ship’s within you, the flags simply need to be hoisted within.

These Green Flags are the ones that indicate emotional maturity as well as ownership of actions.

  • Green Flag # 1

When you are asked if you have the patience and emotional capacity to listen before venting.

  • Green Flag # 2

When there are people to support your successes and wins instead of being threatened by them.

  • Green Flag # 3

When your friends aren’t jealous of you having other friends unknown to them.

  • Green Flag # 4

When someone doesn’t trample over your boundaries but instead respects them.

  • Green Flag # 5

When anyone can speak their mind and heart freely to you rather than expecting you to read their mind.



Geetika Sethi

I believe in leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere I go. ✨Wife to 1, Mom to 3 and a Holistic Health Coach. Authoring books on Poetry, Quotes and Short Stories.