How Live Streaming Is The New Shopping Mall

Live-Stream Shopping: Click Here for Instant Gratification!

Brad Davenport
3 min readApr 25, 2024


Shoppable live-streaming.

Image Sourced By Author From Canva Pro

Does anyone remember QVC and getting hypnotized by bejeweled necklaces spinning in front of your eyes?

Live-streaming is nothing like that; it’s been brought bang up-to-date, with a lot more interactivity and way less questionable jewelry.

Why is live-streaming gaining such notoriety……

Let’s Talk Trends (and Why Your Attention Span Matters)

We all know attention spans are short. That’s where live-streaming comes in.

It captures attention in real time, offers a glimpse behind the brand curtain, and lets you interact with the people behind the products.

My wife is a huge fan. In the evenings, she can sit for hours watching various live-streaming channels, waiting for the one-off cheap deals.

Shoppable live-streaming adds a “Buy Now” button, making it easier than ever to swipe right on that impulse purchase (or left if you’re a tiny bit more responsible than my wife).

Why We’re Obsessed (and Maybe a Little Worried)

Here are the reasons behind this marketing phenomenon:

Engagement on Steroids: Livestreaming is the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure.

You get live demos, product explanations, and maybe even a glimpse into the fast-talking owner’s messy backroom (because authenticity is a selling point).

Plus, you can interact with the host and other viewers, making it way more engaging than staring at a static product image.

The Power of Influence: We’re all influenced by the opinions of others, especially people we trust (or at least find entertaining).

Live streaming often features influencers or brand ambassadors showcasing products, and their enthusiasm is contagious (Sometimes, it's a little too contagious).

Instant Gratification: We live in a world where we want things, and we want them yesterday. One-day delivery is so old hat today.

Shoppable live streaming feeds that desire to a tee.

See something you like?

Hit that “Buy Now” button, and it’s on its way to your doorstep before you can even blink.

Is This the Future of Shopping (or Just a Fad?)

Is shoppable live streaming here to stay? Who knows, but the numbers suggest it is. People are flocking to these live events, and brands are raking in the sales.

However, there are a few things to consider:

Content is King (and Queen): Like any marketing tactic, content rules. Viewers won’t stick around for a grainy video with bad audio from a presenter who sounds like they’re five feet underground and would rather be somewhere else.

Building Trust Takes Time: People aren’t going to throw their money at a random stranger on a livestream. Brands must establish trust and credibility before viewers hit that “Buy Now” button.

The “Me Time” Factor: Let’s be honest, fitting in another thing to watch can be tricky. Live streaming success relies on viewers carving out time in their already-packed schedules.

Shoppable Livestreaming: To Do or Not To Do?

Should your brand jump on the shoppable live-streaming bandwagon?

Well, it depends. If you’ve got the resources to create high-quality content, a charismatic host, and a product that lends itself well to live demonstrations, then it could be a goldmine.

But remember, it’s not easy. There’s a massive amount of prep work, and the presenters are remarkable, with charisma and energy.

Do your research, understand your audience, and plan your live-streaming strategy carefully and with imagination.

The Future is Live (and Maybe a Little Bit Chaotic, And That’s Okay)

Shoppable live streaming is a dynamic and evolving marketing trend.

You connect with your audience on a deeper level, showcase your personality, and convert viewers into buyers in real-time.

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Brad Davenport

I help ambitious individuals leverage their mindset and motivation to create compelling content that drives passive income online.