The LinkedIn Algorithm Explained

Master The LinkedIn Algorithm and Get Your Dream Job

Desmond Young
3 min readFeb 23, 2022


The LinkedIn Algorithm Explained — Photo of a girl with Shades holding a Magnifying Glass as a representation of people searching for a job.
The LinkedIn Algorithm Explained Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

LinkedIn is an excellent tool for professionals to use in their job search, but many people don’t know how to utilize its algorithm — Yes, LinkedIn has an algorithm, and its algorithm determines which posts are seen by whom on your network and in what order they’ll show up.

Linkedin Pushes Relevant Not Recent Content.

For starters, to leverage the LinkedIn platform, you have to peek into the end user’s mindset. Unlike other social platforms, LinkedIn focuses primarily on information exchange. When users come to LinkedIn, they are typically searching for relevant content; content that will assist them in their growth.

LinkedIn determines relevant content by the amount of engagement a post receives rather than when it was written. The more attention your post gets, the more likely it appears when people search for your field on LinkedIn.

Hashtags(#s) Can Increase Your Engagement

Hashtags have become essential to all forms of Content Marketing. Hashtags are used on microblogging, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn as a form of user-generated tagging. LinkedIn utilizes hashtags with relevant keywords to make posts more discoverable. You can use hashtags in your post titles or description to increase your chances of engagement, which is a crucial way to improve the visibility of posts!

Get Visible on LinkedIn: Use This Insanely Powerful Hashtag Analytics Chrome Extension by FILT Pod

Give People Options To Share

If you want your content shared, make sure there’s an easy-to-find button at the top of every blog post where readers can share it via email or social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

By doing this, you’re exposing your professional network beyond just LinkedIn!

Post The Right Content At The Right Time

The LinkedIn algorithm also takes into account when you post your content. Posts published during business hours will have a higher chance of being seen than those published late at night or on the weekends.

Optimize Your Description

Having the right keywords in your LinkedIn description is an alternative way to increase the visibility of your posts. When writing a description, try including keywords that people would use when searching for someone with your qualifications!

For example, suppose you’re an accountant looking for a job in accounting at a company like Acme Corp. In that case, the best LinkedIn description might include words and phrases such as “accounting,” “experienced accountant,” or “CPA” so recruiters know right away whether it’s relevant to them.

Engage With Others

LinkedIn’s algorithm will prioritize posts that receive a lot of engagement (likes, comments, and shares). If you like, comment on, or share other people’s content-particularly the ones from your connections -you’re telling LinkedIn to prioritize showing those posts when someone searches for them!

By engaging with others’ content, you become a valued member of the LinkedIn community and show how helpful your professional network is by sharing valuable information within it. This can help attract recruiters looking for qualified candidates such as yourself.

So if you want your profile to reach as many people as possible, make sure to ask your friends and followers to like, comment, and share it!

The LinkedIn algorithm is constantly changing, so it’s essential to stay up-to-date on the latest tips and tricks. By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that as many people see your content as possible!



Desmond Young

Desmond Young has worked in the Human Resources industry for several years, gaining experience in Human Resources Information Software and Data Analytics