What I learned about Writing Online after Writing for Months on Medium!

From the experience I had writing quality stories on Medium

Sreevidya. A
3 min readDec 27, 2023


The quality of writing on the internet today is lacking. A vast amount of information is available on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit, Quora, WordPress, Substack (if you subscribe to the newsletter), and Threads (recently). It’s common to feel overwhelmed or experience ‘burnout’ when you’re constantly bombarded with more information than your brain can handle.

The Research says:

According to scientists and studies, our brains can store a vast amount of information. However, with the internet as it is today, it has become impossible to store everything we see, read, and listen to. The constant stream of information we encounter can be overwhelming and can lead to stress and exhaustion. It’s not easy to keep up with the amount of information we consume and respond to it in a meaningful way. This can be dangerous and can harm our mental and physical health.

My reads:

I’ve been reading fewer stories on Medium lately. I’ve noticed that I’m only curious about stories that focus on writing as a form of therapy, rather than just a daily business practice. Of course, it’s possible to sell your writing and make a living off of it, but when you’re freelancing, it can be easy to get caught up in the grind of trying to stand out from the crowd. Instead of following someone else’s journey to becoming an influencer, it’s important to tell your own story and showcase what makes you unique. Encourage your followers to write quality articles by reading a lot and thinking outside the box. These kinds of creators are becoming increasingly rare, so if you come across someone like this, it’s worth taking the time to read their stories and learn from their example. Ultimately, it’s better to be a calm and composed writer than a loud and noisy one.”

Unspoken tips:

I want to be honest here because this year has been very stressful, and I don’t want any more stress. Some people compel their followers to constantly create, comment, share, repost, and write, which can lead to burnout after a while. They keep creating content for a few months and then suddenly advise their followers to “take a break once in a while,” which is a common thing I see from LinkedIn creators every week. They appear excited and energetic in providing tips throughout the week, but at the end of the month, they seem burned out.

I don’t want any writer’s journey to be dull. I know that writers feel excitement all at once and writer’s block all at once. But plan your excitement accordingly. Write when you feel like writing. Keep them in your drafts. Post them on off days. Don’t be a follower. Be an inspiration. Learn from everyone. Apply your strategy + learnings + your ideas as a story.

Try it out. It is easy to try because we get a pool of ideas at once. Make each idea a story. Don’t worry about the length. People love to read it short.

Happy New Year in advance. I hope 2024 will be too good and everyone gets what they dreamt of!

Happy reading :)

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Sreevidya. A

Pens about millennial experiences in career and life, Gen Z world, self-improvement, social media, and content creation!