The Movies Inspiration Journal

Every movie is filled with idea triggers for your Imagination

Warren Brown


Photo by fotografierende on Unsplash

Movies inspire writers with great ideas. How many times have you been watching a movie, when you get an awesome idea for a poem, story, or novel? All it takes is one sentence, one line of dialogue, or one brief second of inspiration to get a really good idea.

You could write a blockbuster movie script or a bestselling novel with one superb idea. Every idea in the sea of creativity is not yours, till you trap it in the journal, for your mind to develop into the next amazing story.

There have been times when I am watching a movie and I start getting many good ideas. I immediately run to get my journal and write them down. I used to always think to myself in the past, that I would remember the ideas I was getting while watching a movie. However, at the end of watching a great movie, all the ideas were blown away in the wind.

This Journal for jotting down the movies that inspire you with fantastic ideas is your tool for creating a bounty of creativity and imagination. You need a journal to capture all those ideas moving in the ether before they are claimed by another great writer.

