The Secret to Using Your Writing To Drive Sales

A guide on how to use stories to generate sales

Andikan David
3 min readJun 25, 2024


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The Internet allows us to advertise our products.

Your target audience is closer to you than ever.
The businesses that will have an edge are those that understand how to leverage the Internet to build their business.

One of the best ways to use the internet to build your business is by telling stories that build trust in the heart of your audience. Stories have a way of forcing people to take action.
The psychology behind a story is that when people see the characters in a story, they tend to emulate what the character does.

The Airbnb ad

For example, the way ads are run by brands is a perfect demonstration of this.
I saw an Airbnb ad one time on YouTube. It showed a woman in her house looking from her window at the Eifel Tower saying
"I thought there was only one Paris a place of beauty and museums, then Andrea, my Airbnb host told me about a new Paris.
A Paris that showed a new market for buying and selling, a Paris that showed me a courtyard that made me remember my childhood and dance away at night with friends I never knew I had, in a home I could call my own.

And next week, I travel to somewhere new, where I can belong once again"

The ad told a story. A story about how Airbnb allows you the freedom to explore different parts of the world simply by using their service.
An effective story compels people to take action.


In the same way big brands use storytelling in their ads, you too can leverage writing online to tell stories.
Here's a guide on how to use stories to drive more sales by writing online

Step 1. Share your personal stories.

Most people think they don’t have stories to tell but the first kind of story you have is your personal story.

Write about your flaws, your mistakes, your achievements, and your journey.

This story helps your target audience realize that at some point, you were at the level they were and you got out of that level to get the results.

This then makes you the perfect person to guide them from their current they are at to get to the results you had.

Step 2. Talk about your why

We know every business is designed to make money but then you need to talk about your why, the vision behind your business, and where you aim to go.

People need to understand that doing business with you means you are going to take them from a certain point in their life to another point.

Talking about your vision is the only way people can know where you're heading.
For example

Photo by Author

My bio on X talks about my vision and where I’m heading.
"Building my online business to 6 figures".
This means that if you follow me along the journey, you too can learn how to get your business from 0 up to 6 figures.

Step 3. Talk about your audience’s pain point

Talking about your audience’s pain is one of the most interesting strategies you can use to make sales.
Talking about the problem of your target audience amplifies the problem they have.

This means it shows them how serious the problem they have is and the consequences of not taking action quickly.

After talking about your audience’s problem, then you can add your product as a solution to your writing.
So amplifying the problem and then talking about your solution will increase your sales.


Writing on the Internet is one of the cheapest ways to advertise your business. You must learn to leverage the internet to drive sales for your business.

Telling stories is the most effective way.



Andikan David
Writer for

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