The Swagger of SEO Expertise

Kathy G Lynch
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2021

How you become visible on the internet

Photo by Irina Leoni on Unsplash

So you want to sell your writing?

Do you want to actually make some money from your words?

Do you want to prove to yourself that you really are a successful writer?

Is Your Swagger More than Hype?

Thus, the first thing you must do is prove to yourself, as well as to others, that your swagger isn’t just all hype.

In other words, your swagger must bespeak of successful skill wielded in such a way that audiences gravitate with gusto towards your writings in their eager research. In their search to find answers. In their hopes of improving their lives.

For you’ve ‘hit’ on the right keywords, said the right thing.

Real and Visible Swagger

You’ve used the right phrases.

So your swagger was made real. Made real by your using specific words that activated the gasps and grunts of enquiring readers. Made real by your selecting the words that activate genuine glimpses of your expertise in ranking.

So, your swagger became visible in the search engines.

For, as Chari Powell wrote in Marketing Your Book Using the Internet, you discover the “words or phrases a prospective reader might enter into the Amazon search or any search engine in an attempt to find a book to read.” To find info and advice to relieve their pain. Or to uncover a solution that resolves an ongoing problem they’re experiencing.

And you’ve discovered … and use … what Powell calls “special words” that activate a glimpse of the golden egg readers are searching for.

Your Superpower Swagger

For like all heroes on the internet, you have a superpower.

Your superpower is your swagger where specific word phrases automatically grab and gridlock enquiring readers and researchers into believing you’re the one they’re looking for. You’re the one with the answers. You’re the one they’ve been praying for all this time.

Simply because, as Powell says, you’ve selected specific “words and phrases [that] are what potential readers are going to be entering when searching for a topic.”

For they’re searching for a specific answer. An answer you have provided for them. Thus, they’re searching the internet for you and what you’ve written.

And they find you.

Fine-tuning Your Swagger

Because you‘ve fine-tuned your special words so they are the exact words, the specific phrases, that match what searchers typed in their search query.

To do that requires a dedicated search for keywords. As well as a deliberate search for words associated with your topic. Because as Powell also says, “You want to see the results that are associated with these words because you are associating them with your book.” Your articles. Your writing.

So you want to know exactly what keywords and keyword phrases will accompany your work.

You want to get a good idea of how to better promote your work as well as yourself as an author.

Manifesting Your Swagger

So, before you write a single word, you start making your swagger real.

You select five keywords or keyword phrases that speak to your ideal readers. And after you’ve selected these five specific words or word phrases, you write your content, inserting them in the piece where they make sense. Insert them logically in the URL, in the headline, in the opening, in the subheads, in the body of your piece, and in the conclusion.

Thereby, manifesting your swagger.

But doing it in such a way that doesn’t interrupt the logic or get in the way of providing value to the reader.

Doing it with such expertise that the search engine bots can quickly and easily index your writing when you publish it on the internet. In other words, you properly, and profitably, optimize your writing for search engines (SEO).

Then your swagger ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERP).

Merely because you backed your swagger up with the know-how of SEO to climb to SERP’s page one. So you’re actually found in search results. You’re seen and even clicked on …

And read …

by readers who are looking for what you have to offer.

The Go-to Swagger

For your swagger is that you’re seen and widely associated as the go-to guide with expertise that’s recognized in your specific category.

Nothing could be more simple. Or more satisfying. Even though it takes hard work. Determination. And deliberate and dedicated diligence to master.

All so you can be the one with the optimized swagger of expertise showing up when called upon, the one with optimized content where specific words automatically generate grubstake-earning revenue.

SEO is Optimizing content to the point where your swagger is justified.

So, what are your “five special words” or phrases that prompt your swagger?



Kathy G Lynch
Writer for

Kathy G. wants to show farmer's daughters how to become successful writers even in this highly competive world