This is Why Most Creators are Quitting:

Beginner creators are missing this.

Sumanpreet Kaur
3 min readMar 30, 2024


Photo by Haley Hydorn on Unsplash

Creating content for months but not getting results — be it for increasing the reading time, engagement, and gaining your audience’s attention?

Feel like giving up?

Thinking — “Let’s start something else. This market is already crowded, saturated, and competitive.”

The funny part is, all fields are competitive with the exploding population.

You are writing, practising, publishing, upskilling, and executing what you learn.

Still, hearing crickets?

Where’s the problem?

Distracting from the main track

Writing by observing other creators is like sailing in the sea without knowing the direction, going randomly for the sake of moving and avoiding yourself from sinking.

When you intend to learn from other creators -it turns into copying others unconsciously — Their writing styles, topics, and headlines.


  • Losing in the crowd.
  • Becoming a part of what is already common.
  • No newness. No uniqueness. No freshness in the content.

The audience is already fed up with the surface-level and common content.

I screwed up with the same.

I felt lost when I was trying to emulate the top-performing content.

What was even worse?

I was losing interest in writing and stretching hours while writing.

That was exhausting noting what was working for others and creating content that way. It spoiled my creativity and ideas when my time was spent reading others’ content to get ideas.

Now, solution, you ask?

I got my peace back in writing and the realization that I was sitting on a pile of countless content ideas. And gained results in terms of leads and engagement from my content as I started doing this:

Turn your attention inward

You are creating content on a specific niche.

But that’s not enough.

Add spices of uniqueness.

  • Support what you say with your experience.
  • Infuse your personality by sharing personal experiences.
  • Write content focused on emotions by not restricting yourself to the tips only.
  • Write like humans — share your vulnerabilities.

What happens then?

  • Your audience relates, feels connected, and ultimately engages in your content.

For example, I came across the content creators sharing

  • Their raw emotions — feeling low. (More powerful than motivation.)
  • Their state of mind — real one. (More helpful than tips.)


It made me feel better, relaxed, and connected.

The audience read to learn, feel better, get entertained, and feel inspired.

So, keep one of these motives in mind while writing — How do you make your audience feel? How are you helping them through one piece of content?

Create, experiment, and experience.

Figure out what works for you because what performs for other creators will not be the same for you when your audience, goals, and personality are drastically different.

  • Write.
  • Collect data based on your content performance.
  • Create your own frameworks and content patterns.
  • Double down on where your audience has a high response.

Give yourself freedom

Freedom to think.

Freedom to write.

Freedom to experiment.

Write freely with a focus on your audience. From your heart. Genuinely.

Transfer your energy through your content to the audience.

Let your personal experiences become your direction while sailing a ship in the sea.

Question yourself more.

To offer better to your audience.

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