Three-headed Hellhound Haunts Highfalutin Writers on Halloween

Kathy G Lynch
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2021

Halloween horrors of the hunted and the haunted

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

The spirits have risen.

The goblins are on the prowl.

The three-headed hellhound is hunting for blood and haunting the highfalutin.

Halloween Horrors

For Halloween can be a time when hellish activities leave lots of writers empty-handed because of empty-headed notions.

Like the notion that they are better writers than they really are. Like the notion that they shouldn’t have to spend more time developing their craft. Like the notion that a reader should be ready and willing to give them the time of day.

And e-gads! They do. Readers give them their just desserts …a Halloween trick instead of a treat. Because that’s what was unwittingly offered them. So, they hit the back button and chop off the heads of many writer’s hopes.

Dastardly Dysfunctional Demons

For the one thing that any Halloweener wants more than anything else is a scrumptious goodie instead of the dastardly display of dysfunctional demonizing writers. And for a writer to offer a worthy feast on Halloween (or any other time), a writer must hatchet away lofty lingo that overflows with warnings for readers to exit, to escape … now.

For such things as overused metaphors should have their heads cut off like all devilish hellhounds. And repetitious ideas that have been floating through the air like gravesite ghosts should be put to rest. Excized with hope-inspired prayers that they don’t ever pop up again to give readers another hair-raising scare.

And even bored-to-death visitors from past readings should be injected with transfusions of the lifeblood of the new and the novel, instead of wasting their blood, and all their hopes and dreams, on the dead.

Hypnotizing Attention Getting Nymphs

Because Halloween should be a time of holding onto the hypnotizing, attention-getting, lingering longings and outlandish whisperings of eager-to-please, enticing nymphs in one’s noggin.

For those nymphs are sure to have their way with readers. All because they drive a reader to dance to their music. To engage with their flirtations. To forget oneself and one’s momentary wishes and give in to one’s deepest desires.

For those crafty nymphs drive even the best of us to the heights of our most passionate dreams and lustful hopes. They make us hungry for all those things we thought were possible, but never believed we could have.

Lost In Hellish Darkness

They drive us to endless distractions, and desperation, where we become lost in that hellish darkness … merely because some writer forgot to do as he promised. He failed to meet his reader’s needs. Failed to do what was expected of him.

In short, he broke his word.

And brought down upon him and his reader the demons of dissatisfaction that only a disgruntled reader ever knows.

So, a bedraggled reader often finds herself alone in the darkened night filled with despair of ever seeing the light of day. Until …

Ghostbusting Guides

One voice from heaven announces loudly the lesson and the offering of ecstasy … an ending to the nightmare. For that voice from heaven is the voice of the writer who slays the three-headed hellhound of disappointment, disillusionment, and disengagement.

She tells her story of her god-like guides grappling and ghostbusting the gathering of ghouls and goblins. She recounts the tale of valor when vulgar vampires were forced to vacate the vicinity.

She even bespoke of beheading that three-headed hellhound with the double-bladed sword of vividly detailed images and the magic of simple words.

Thus, her reader’s faith was restored to where she could picture herself living through the darkest night of her life. She could sing and dance again in the light of the full moon and greet the dawn with her hopes and dreams fully restored.

Forever Free

For once Halloween was over, she knew her beloved heroic writer would never again betray her by forgetting what she needed to remain forever free as a raving fan: to be blessed with the brevity of language that explodes with the specific simplicity of exact details.



Kathy G Lynch
Writer for

Kathy G. wants to show farmer's daughters how to become successful writers even in this highly competive world