Time-Traveling with My Pen: Writing Across Eras and Dimensions

Sara Irshad
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2023

Words contain a certain magic. As a writer, my pen is a wand, spreading stardust across the page. I summon my fantasies, aspirations, and worries with it.

Through weaving tapestries of vision, I construct worlds that only exist on paper.

As C.S. Lewis wrote,

“Some day you will be old enough to start rereading fairy tales.”

For is not writing just that — casting everyday life into fairy tales for the world to enjoy?

Writing is like a quiet dance. Words sashay across the page, interlocking arms with readers. An inviting embrace begins, pulling them into new realities where anything is possible.

Page by page, an enchantment weaves its way into minds and hearts.

As Stephen King said,

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”

With my pen, I aim to create portable realms readers can escape into anytime, anywhere.

With ink flowing from my pen, I summon characters like genies from a lamp. They emerge fully formed, colorful personas brimming with complex dreams and desires.

My work gives their lungs life, and I allow people to communicate invisibly revealed truths. As their creator, I feel a godlike power and a humbling responsibility.

I must convey their humanity sincerely, gifting them journeys that readers will connect with.

As John Green wrote,

“Great characters must be both broken and more alive than the living.”

This is my solemn vow whenever conjuring souls from the blank page.

I can go beyond bounds thanks to this wand. The empty page ready to be filled has no bounds. I can travel through time, hopping between different periods.

Moving feelings, my specialty winds around an embroidery of bliss, bitterness, and yearning. With poetic verse, I elicit gasps of delight. Through heart-wrenching prose, tears may flow.

But a stirring reaction means my wand has worked its magic.

As Kafka said,

“A book must be the axe to break the frozen sea within.”

My solemn duty is to awaken dormant emotions and validate inner experiences through cathartic stories.

I like the intimacy of incorporating my own life experiences into timeless tales since I am aware that underlying our differences, we are all fundamentally the same. Through raw honesty, I bare my soul, transformed and healed.

My pen, this wand, illuminates even the darkest shadows.

As Joan Didion wrote,

“I write to find out what I’m thinking, feeling, seeing and what it means.”

This compulsion drives me, wizard-like, to conjure insight from the swirling chaos inside.

As a conduit for inspiration, I allow creativity to flow unrestrained through me. The blank page waits patiently as I gather luminescent threads of ideas.

Soon, words cascade like raindrops, then a steady stream, then a deluge. My wand directs this outpouring into something cohesive and refined.

“You own everything that happened to you,”

Anne Lamott once remarked.

Writing is like a mysterious process where I combine many components to produce something priceless. I made a symbolic cauldron from my review, creative mind, and encounters to make it seriously entrancing.

After that, I carefully balance the shock, sorrow, and humor. It’s similar to using a wand to concoct an endearing potion that readers can relate to. Writing enables us to

“taste life twice,”

in the words of the poetic Anais Nin.

I laboriously crafted this elixir to encapsulate the spirit and essence of life.

This magic manifests visually on each page — letters from cursive flourishes, bold declarations, and hushed whispers. White space isolates key phrases, letting their meaning reverberate.

Short sentences stand defiant, while lengthier lines meander meditatively. This, too, is conjuring — crafting a symphonic reading experience.

As Truman Capote described,

“To me, the greatest pleasure in writing is not what it’s about, but the inner music the words make.”

I lend my inner music to the page like a conductor directing prose rhythms.

I carefully embroider descriptive details, clothing, people, and places in textures and hues. Adjectives paint, verbs energize, and nouns ground us at the moment.

This brushstroke here, a daub of color there — soon the imagined world materializes fully formed. My wand coaxes it into being, bestowing the gift of sight.

As Gustave Flaubert wrote,

“The art of description is so powerful that when well executed, it envelops and transports the reader, creating the illusion that they are experiencing something firsthand.”

This sorcery is my heart’s delight.

Metaphors and similes function similarly, putting comparable light on feelings and experiences. Through analogy, profound truths crystallize from murky abstraction. The unfamiliar becomes familiar when described using what we already know.

My wand harnesses figurative language to conjure clarity.

As Aristotle noted,

“The greatest thing by far is to have a command of metaphor.”

I heed his wisdom, wielding comparisons to bridge understanding between writer and reader.

However, technical proficiency alone cannot produce enchanting literature. The bottomless reservoir of my power as a writer lies within my humanity.

Actual magic lives in the courage to be vulnerable, share painful truths, and believe change is possible.

As Madeleine L’Engle wrote,

“When I write, I aim for readers’ hearts.”

Opening my own, I tap into the universal current that connects us all.

As a writer, my objective is actually to connect with readers. I’m interested in people’s tales and hope to write ones that spark change. Let us be considerate and friendly to everyone we meet on the road.

Like J.K. Rowling said,

“Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.”

Writing feels enchanting to me — like I’m sprinkling a little fairy dust across the page with each letter. I wish to spread the magic and build genuine ties with my readers.

Yes, words contain powerful magic — to teach and transform, incite emotion, and spur action.

My trusty pen will always be a conduit for this enchantment. Its nib must stay overflowing with ink, ready to manifest marvels with the flourish of each letter.

Writing is spellcraft, and a writer’s pen is the wand directing this magic to unfold. Let us speak our stories, weave our visions, and bask in the awe that words may evoke. The blank page awaits!



Sara Irshad

Writer and content creator, passionate about crafting engaging stories. Helping others succeed in their writing journey with practical advice and creativity.