Writing on Medium

Trimming the Fat: How Minimalism Can Help You Master the Art of Writing

Discover how minimalism can help you trim the fat and become a master of effective writing. Learn practical tips and techniques to improve your writing skills.

Tyler Lubben BBA
Published in
6 min readJan 19, 2024


‍Introduction: The Importance of Effective Writing

As a writer, you know the power of words. Whether you’re writing a novel, an article, or even an email, how you express yourself can greatly influence your audience. However, sometimes less is more. This is where minimalism comes in. In this article, we will delve into how minimalism can assist you in mastering the art of writing and becoming a better writer overall.

Understanding Minimalism in Writing

When we think of minimalism, we often envision sleek, clutter-free spaces or simplified artwork. However, minimalism can also be applied to writing. Essentially, minimalism in writing involves removing unnecessary words and concentrating on conveying your message in a concise and impactful manner. It’s about distilling your thoughts and ideas to their purest form, allowing the words to speak for themselves.

Benefits of Minimalism in Writing

Embracing minimalism in your writing can have numerous benefits.

Improved Clarity

Minimalism improves clarity by eliminating unnecessary fluff. This allows your message to become sharper and easier to understand. Readers appreciate brevity and writers getting to the meat of the article. Most people are in a HURRY and will not stick around if you seem to be dragging things on for no apparent reason. Every word you write should hold value and be a way of conveying your overall message.

Choosing Words Wisely

Minimalism forces you to choose your words wisely, making every sentence count. This improves the overall quality of your writing and helps you develop a unique voice and style.

When you put a lot of thought into constructing your article around a minimalistic approach, there is a better chance of readers finding your article worthwhile to read and value-packed. Fluff diminishes those feelings and can be aggravating for a reader.

Enhanced Engagement

Minimalism promotes engagement. Readers who can effortlessly grasp your main points are more likely to stay engaged and absorb your message fully.

It is much easier for a reader to engage with a value-packed article as the main point will be abundantly clear, and every sentence and paragraph states a clear point and part of the message. The reader doesn’t have to feel like they are on a scavenger hunt to find the purpose of your article.

Photo by HamZa NOUASRIA on Unsplash

Applying Minimalism to Your Writing Process

Now that you understand the value of minimalism in writing let’s explore how you can apply it to your own writing process.

Outline Your Main Ideas and Key Points

Start by outlining your main ideas and key points before you begin writing. This will help you stay focused and prevent unnecessary digressions.

Having a thorough outline of areas you intend to write on ensures your writing stays on track and provides a visual layout that you can assess to see if there are any areas of fluff you can cut out to add to the overall power of your article.

Be Mindful of Redundant Phrases and Excessive Adjectives

When drafting your content, be mindful of redundant phrases or excessive adjectives that don’t add value. Remember, simplicity is key.

While reiterating a point can be a beneficial technique in certain instances, it should not be constantly done, or your article will quickly lose value. One technique I visualize while writing is that each word I use costs money and my goal is to spend as little as possible to add as much value as possible. I want a high return on investment; the bigger the return, the more effective my article is.

Edit with a Critical Eye

After writing your first draft, take a break and then come back to edit with a critical eye. Remove any repetitive or redundant phrases, and ask yourself if every sentence is necessary to convey your message effectively.

Any great writer will quickly tell you that editing is just as, if not more important than the original writing. Great writers aren’t afraid to edit as much as needed, and they are exceptional at trimming the fat while keeping the meat of the article. They are like a skilled butcher that doesn’t waste one ounce of meat while getting the highest yield. If you’re vegetarian, I apologize for the visual, and you can substitute pruning veggies or whatever makes the most sense in your case.

Tips for Practicing Minimalism in Writing

Practicing minimalism in writing is a skill that can be developed over time. Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

  • Use active voice: Active voice is more direct and concise than passive voice. It keeps your sentences punchy and engaging.
  • Cut unnecessary words: Review your writing and look for any words or phrases that don’t serve a purpose. Remove them to streamline your message.
  • Embrace white space: Don’t be afraid of leaving empty spaces on the page. Utilize paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to create visual breaks that enhance readability.
  • Avoid jargon: Aim for simplicity and clarity unless you’re writing for a specific audience. Steer clear of industry jargon or overly technical language that may alienate your readers.
  • Read aloud: When editing your work, read it aloud to catch any awkward or convoluted sentences. It may need some trimming if it doesn’t flow smoothly when spoken.
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

Writing on Medium: How Minimalism Can Enhance Your Articles

With Medium's clean, minimalistic design, Medium emphasizes the importance of content over distractions. Medium has created an exceptional platform allowing writers to create visually appealing articles easily.

By applying minimalism to your writing on Medium, you can create visually pleasing articles that are easy to read and resonate with your audience. Remember, simplicity and clarity are key when engaging readers on this platform.

Tools and Resources for Minimalist Writing

As a writer, you’re always looking for tools and resources to help you improve your craft. When it comes to minimalist writing, there are a few handy tools worth exploring:

Hemingway Editor

This online tool highlights complex sentences, excessive adverbs, and other areas that could benefit from simplification.


While not specifically designed for minimalist writing, Grammarly can help you refine your work by identifying wordy or redundant phrases.

By embracing minimalism in your writing, you can sharpen your skills and become a better writer overall. Minimalism teaches the art of self-editing, forcing you to evaluate every word and sentence for its contribution to your message. As you refine your ability to convey ideas concisely, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your storytelling and overall writing abilities.

Overcoming Challenges in Minimalist Writing

Minimalist writing offers numerous benefits, but it also presents challenges. One common obstacle is the fear of omitting important details. However, minimalism does not require sacrificing substance. It involves finding the right balance between brevity and effective communication. Another challenge is overcoming the habit of using excessive adjectives or adverbs. Remember, simplicity is powerful. Have confidence in your words, and let them convey the weight of your message.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Conclusion: Embracing Minimalism for Masterful Writing

Mastering the art of writing requires embracing minimalism. By trimming unnecessary details and focusing on the essence of your message, you can create impactful and engaging content. Through the practice of minimalism, not only will you become a better writer, but you will also develop a unique style that resonates with your audience. So, the next time you sit down to write, remember the power of simplicity and let minimalism guide you toward masterful writing.

Ready to take your writing to the next level? Embrace minimalism and discover the art of effective communication. Start applying these tips and techniques today, and watch your writing soar to new heights!

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Tyler Lubben BBA
Writer for

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.