What I Did On My Spring Sabbatical Part 2

Arthur Keith
4 min readMay 3, 2024


Because Part 1 was so compelling.

The Naked Gentleman on Wikimedia Commons.

Since Part 1 was so widely heralded, highly viewed, and well-read, I decided to write Part 2, even though I debated. How much success can one possibly take?

So far, I’ve earned $31 in April for doing much of nothing. $131 would have been nicer.

But that was kind of the intention of taking a six-week (give or take two or three stories) break from Medium. I wanted to see just how far my “winnings” would plummet.

For the past few months, I’ve earned about thirtysomething (hey, wasn’t that a TV show in the late 80s/early 90s?) dollars for doing something. So, will my earnings triple if I write three fewer stories a month?

Someone, tell me how this works! All I need to make is enough to cover just one monthly credit card bill. Is that too much to ask?

During my time away, I generated tons of new material. Nothing is finished; they’re just ideas. Some already have headlines. I don’t know if there are any winners there.

Since there is no more megadrought (referring to the 25 or so stories I wrote about the topic between 2020 and 2023), I’ll have to develop a new emphasis if I want to continue to write about climate change.



Arthur Keith

My goal is to inform, educate, & entertain. Top writer in LGBTQ, Music, Climate Change. Directionally dyslexic with an excellent sense of direction.