What Is SEO and Why Does it Matter?

The (absolute) beginner’s guide to Search Engine Optimization.

Ramsay Lewis


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

So you’ve heard SEO is important for your blog, website, or Medium story, but you have no clue what it is. Is that you?

You’re in the right place.

SEO is complicated and there is lots to know. This post covers the basics for the absolute beginner. It will cover:

  • What is SEO?
  • What is a search engine?
  • What are traffic sources?
  • Does SEO really matter?
  • How do I do SEO?
  • What is white hat versus black hat SEO?
  • The best SEO strategy.
  • Create an SEO plan.

What is SEO?

SEO is the fun abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. It encompasses a variety of strategies to make your website easier for people to find on search engines. Sometimes SEO can also refer to a “Search Engine Optimizer”, i.e. the person who does the optimization.

Why does that matter? Basically the goal of a website is to communicate information — you want to share information about your product, or you have political ideas you want people to read, or maybe you just want people to…



Ramsay Lewis

Ramsay is a content marketing manager (Savio.io) based in Brazil. When not writing, you can find him cycling or looking for his keys.