What Watching Too Many Space Videos Does To You

Adonis Richards
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2021


image credit to Pexels on Pixabay

I’ve recently explored my long-lost passion for space. Well, not so much passion, let’s say inquisition. I love space, like so many people do. It’s so mysterious and scary.

Recently, I’ve been watching what if and riddles a lot on YouTube. They both discuss various scenarios that dive into space exploration.

Boy, does the confides of space scare me to my fibers. The amount of cataclysmic intergalactic stuff that goes on in the vast vacuum has me contemplating my existence completely.

I’m all over the place asking so many questions. I’m also sitting inside my studio apartment, questioning my existence and significance.

We are so small in the grand scheme of things. Our sun, the largest object we can see, isn’t even that big when it comes to super Giants.

Black holes literally have no explanation. There are universes upon universes upon universes that expand to infinity. Why is space so cold?

Why haven’t we found life on other planets? Why does Jupiter have no solid surface?

I run through questions upon questions that scare me all the time. Sitting here, typing away to infinity. On top of a giant space rock, in the middle of nowhere.

Space is so fun to learn about and explore.



Adonis Richards

Writer and poet aspiring to write and create content. Website: adonisinquiry.com