Why Affiliate Marketing Does Not Suck!

Thea Williams
Published in
4 min readNov 22, 2021
Photo by Nimi Diffa on Unsplash

I recently read an article saying Affiliate marketing sucks. Interesting? I bet the marketers who have been set financially free do not feel that way.

The first comment in the article claimed people don’t like to be sold to. That isn’t true. People buy all day, every day. What they want is insight, information. And they drink up reviews.

Emarketer predicts that by the end of 2021 e-commerce will bring in over 908 billion dollars.

What I think the author of the article meant was no one likes a sleazy salesman. E-commerce avoids having to deal with a high pressured salesperson. So people love it.

E-commerce provides you with an opportunity to do some homework before hitting the buy now button.

What affiliate marketers do is provide content for the consumer to read that encourages them to make the final decision to purchase. But it doesn’t have to be salesy or pushy at all.

For instance, my son started a podcast about classic rock. Music is his passion. He knows anything and everything about artists, the albums, the stories behind the compositions, and so on.

I encouraged him to start using his platform as a way to sell some items. He had no idea where to start or how, so I turned him onto Wealthy Affiliate for him to start learning. It’s exhausting trying to teach him what I know, plus, I don’t know it all.

He is now writing content on the bands he features on his podcast. In his stories, he adds links to the bands’ albums, digital downloads, or rock memorabilia.

Right before my eyes, I am watching my son become a writer too. He doesn’t consider it hard work because he loves the topic.

What topic do you love?

Sometimes it is difficult to decide because the possibilities are limitless. But when you learn how to master SEO and see what consumers want you are ahead of the game. In other words, you need guidance on exactly how to do that.

I believe the author of the article is an intelligent woman and perhaps she thought she could figure it out on her own. That is what I did when I first started. I thought how hard can it be? I already have an extensive email list. I will just sell to them. But it wasn’t enough.

I researched how to grow my email list- another feat I tried to master, but it was all a lot of work. Kind of like building a Medium platform eh?

Then there is the website building and Google analytics to deal with. Not everyone has these skills, so starting from scratch was overwhelming if all you have is a desire. You need the fastest and easiest route. Isn’t that why we use maps?

See here is the thing- learning can be challenging. no matter how much you enjoy it. But once you get past the bumpy part, things flow.

Do you remember the first time you tried to ride a bike? YOU FELL, and probably a lot. But you didn’t give up because you imagined the freedom of having your own set of wheels, even if it was only 2. The same is true when you began driving a car. It was scary. Now, look at ya!! I bet you can drive while putting on mascara. I can, and I drive a stick!

The truth is, we need to learn new skills to achieve what we want. It is always frustrating at first, but once you grasp a lesson, the sense of accomplishment builds your self-confidence and momentum.

I wish our culture didn’t give up so easily. Imagine if all babies who smashed their heads on the ground while trying to walk, said, “Screw this!”

Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash

Take a look at Wealthy Affiliate before YOU decide affiliate marketing sucks. It is a complete program that will walk you through every step of the way. You get 7 days to try it out for FREE and right now they are having a huge BLACK FRIDAY SALE if you decide to become a member.

Join others on their journeys as you grow like a magnificent koi in the pond of guppies.

Don’t be a guppie.

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

And just because something sucked for someone else. doesn’t mean it will suck for you. DO YOU, because that is what you do best!

Thea- lover of all things magical wishing you Health and Wealth

Care to buy me a coffee so I may continue to bring my genius to you?? LOL



Thea Williams

Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.