Why Are You Publishing so Much?

Is there method to the madness?

David Andrew Wiebe


Why Are You Publishing so Much?
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Communication is central to our existence. Everything we create, we create with the language we speak.

Some have guessed at my intentions with my daily publishing, and while there’s no such thing as a wrong perspective or interpretation, the truth is, I’m not sure if I’ve ever fully articulated what I’ve been trying to create.

Which is really a funny thing, because if I’m clear, and you’re clear, there’s a better chance we can connect in a meaningful way and understand each other better. In retrospect, I can see that there was something in my own listening of others preventing me from being fully self-expressed in this area.

Which is to say, for the most part, I haven’t talked about my goals, because I made up a story that it was selfish. And that’s on me, and not on you.

So, here are the four key things I’ve been looking to accomplish with my publishing:

Grow a Following

Building a profitable and sustainable six-figure business without a following isn’t impossible. It’s just not as practical as you might think (it mostly revolves around sinking a lot of money and resources into advertising and affiliates).



David Andrew Wiebe

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.