Why Do Your Favorite Articles Fail to Catch on with Readers?

We’ve all got our stories we love, but that get major views. What gives?

Melissa Balick



Sometimes you write something so profound, so original, so funny and fascinating, your fingers practically itch to click “publish.”

“Surely, this one will be a hit,” you say. “It’s gonna make $500 before the end of the month.”

It gets a dozen views the first day, with a solid 50%+ read-through rate.

“It’ll pick up tomorrow,” you say. “This heartbreaking work of staggering genius shan’t be ignored.”

A month later, it’s got 112 views, 58 reads, and it’s made you $2.23. Meanwhile, the article you wrote last year about pooping your pants is still earning you 25 bucks per month.

What gives? Why doesn’t the good stuff get read?

I asked some of my fellow Medium writers to share their favorite articles that never caught on. After giving my buddies one more view and read to pad their stats, I’ve formulated some (possibly misguided) insights into why our smartest babies sometimes don’t end up graduating high school.

1. The headline doesn’t hint at what it’s about.



Melissa Balick

Fiction writer with a couple stories published in literary magazines, nanny, reader of way too many books.