Synergy | Writing | Reading

The Heart of the Story

Why Emotional Connection is More Important Than Ever

Connecting through words

Sahil Patel


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

"I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see, and what it means. What I want and what I fear." -Joan Didion

Writing is an art that includes creativity, brainstorming, imagination, and expressing ideas and emotions in an engaging way. Writers use their language and perceptions to deliver the message and life stories. It is an art that involves creating something completely original and enriches the reader's life.

Best Tool For Creating Better Articles

One of the best tools to create better articles is storytelling. Good storytelling helps in capturing the reader's attention. It makes a complex topic more accessible to the readers. When you add a story in the article it can provide a valuable context and depth to it. In addition to that, stories are always memorable when added to the article it enhances the quality of the article.

What I have observed in my readers is that the stories that they are most likely to read are stories that have an emotional connection.

Why Emotional Connection is Important

Making an emotional connection is an important part of essential writing. It creates a connection between a writer and a reader.

When you add an emotional connection to the content, it helps the reader relate to the characters and situations. It also helps in conveying the writer’s message more effectively.

By engaging the reader’s emotions, writers can create a more powerful and memorable experience that is more likely to leave a lasting impression.

We all human beings are emotional creatures. We often love to connect with stories that are filled with different emotions such as joy, regret, and happiness.

How To Create an Emotional Connection in Stories

In order to create an emotional connection to the story try to add a personal experience into it. To create an emotional connection with your readers, you need to show empathy and understanding toward their feelings and experiences.
Descriptive language can help readers visualize the scene and empathize with the characters. By using sensory details and evocative language, you can create an emotional response in your readers.

Always develop relatable characters. Don’t try to make them too supreme as it makes it hard for the readers to feel connected to it. When there are more relatable characters in the story, it will give the story more emotional connection.

Make your characters vulnerable by showing their weaknesses and struggles.
Overall, creating an emotional connection is all about making characters and situations more real and relatable.

Readers would probably find a story without an emotional connection to be uninteresting and bland. Because they want to be emotionally immersed in the characters and their journey, readers don’t enjoy stories without emotional connection. Readers could find it challenging to care about what happens to the characters or their story if there isn’t an emotional connection. They stop being interested in the story.

"Writing with emotional connection is like threading a needle with a strand of your heart, pulling it through the fabric of your story, and leaving a piece of yourself behind." - Unknown

I am someone who always enjoys reading and writing more about real incidents and stories. What are your preferences?



Sahil Patel

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.