Why I Write

After all, why do I wake up at 5 am just to write every day?

Sumanpreet Kaur
2 min readJun 16, 2024


Photo by Max Andrey on Unsplash

2021: I learned and practiced writing.

June 2022: I posted the first time on Medium, that went viral.

October 2022: I got my first job in content writing.

So, my only and foremost reason for getting started with writing was commercial. That’s it.

Last year, in April 2023, during the night, I was crying silently while lying on the bed and putting my head on the pillow. I thought that I made the wrong career and had no choice but to write for others when I didn’t want to.

But sobbing was never a solution. I restarted, took a consultation, and continued offering ghostwriting services.

Along the way, I realized that I love penning down but writing on my behalf, not for others. I love getting content published under my name.

I persisted (happily) in offering writing services until I found the right moment. Now, I have stopped authoring for others when it was not fulfilling my soul and not aligned with my energy.

The question is, why do I write when I have so many other options?

Earlier, I used to say I write for the audience.

One day, while reading a newsletter, I got inspiration from a great writer as she said that she writes for a very selfish reason beyond earning. That was to get clarity of thoughts and deep down into her own mind state.

I picked up this idea from there.

As they say, if you want to target the crowd, address one person from there.

Why not pick up yourself as that one person?

Why not solve your own problems and complications through writing?

So, I write to go profound in my thoughts and seek the answers and solutions.

When I am addressing myself through the content, how many people are out there who will feel, relate, and get ideas from there?

I solve my doubts, questions, and frustrations through writing on Medium.

Besides simplifying my mind state, it helped me increase reading views and engagement because that content is directing the readers too.

So, I chose myself from the crowd to address. Then, others also get addressed.

This is why I write.

That eased my life as now I can see how writing helps to facilitate our thinking.

Why do you write?

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