Working Hard vs. Working Smart

5 surprising differences

Cypriano Onyeka Mokobia
5 min readNov 15, 2021


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Do you ever feel like you’re working your tail off but not making the progress you’d like toward your objectives?

You have the sensation that you are speeding up, however, you aren’t getting the desired (or required) outcome.

You may have heard some business gurus say that working smarter, not harder, is the way to go.

But what exactly does this imply?

If you’re not making any progress toward your goals, it’s possible that you’re simply working hard for the sake of working hard, rather than working smart. At the same time, working hard can pave the way for smarter work. Isn’t it perplexing?

So, let’s take a look at what this means and how you may use both ends of the spectrum to achieve your goals.

Before we get started, keep in mind that one of them isn’t necessarily superior to the others. In fact, it may be very dependent on your objectives and the moment of your life at which you are pursuing them.

So, what’s the distinction? Let’s have a look at it.

What do you mean when you say you’re working hard?

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels

Kevin Hart once remarked, “At the end of the day, you put in the effort, and it will pay off eventually.” In a year’s time, that may happen. In 30 years, it may be. Your efforts will eventually be rewarded.

He isn’t wrong, in fact!

Working hard will almost certainly get you to your desired destination. In fact, “working smarter” might be thought of as a layer over “working harder” — or the next step up.

Working hard in and of itself entails:

1. Working long hours.

2. Finishing a specific amount of work in a specified amount of time.

3. Putting a premium on quantity over quality.

4. Having the self-discipline to complete a task.

5. There isn’t a strong emphasis on effectiveness or efficiency.

• You get things done when you work hard.

• You develop a sense of dependability and predictability for yourself and others.

• You increase your self-assurance.

• You become more self-disciplined as a result of this.

What Does “Working Smart” Mean?

Working hard, in some ways, is a prerequisite for working wisely. Working smart usually entails finding effective and efficient ways to accomplish tasks, with a focus on utilizing your skills.

Working smartly also entails:

1. You are concerned with both quantity and quality.

2. You are productive rather than just doing things for the sake of doing them.

3. Tasks could be delegated.

4. You have a good sense of task prioritization.

5. You have a good sense of time management.

Working smart has a number of advantages, including:

• You maximize your time.

• You don’t go for number over quality.

• You create progress by collaborating with others and using technology.

• You’re more likely to reach your objectives.

A Canadian philosopher and entrepreneur named Matshona Dhliwayo said, “You will be rewarded if you work hard. You will reap great benefits if you work smart. You will receive extraordinary rewards if you work hard and smart.”

Working hard and working smart examples

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Working hard may imply that you are putting in a lot of effort, but it does not imply that you are being efficient.

For example, perhaps you’ve always completed a task in the same manner. While this is labor-intensive, discovering new and more efficient ways to do the task is more efficient.

You might be focused and committed to your work if you work hard. However, the consequences may not be immediately apparent. The benefits of working smart are readily apparent. It’s the equivalent of moving a massive boulder by hand rather than utilizing an excavator or other machine.

Working smart could actually mean doing the same amount of work in less time. What exactly does that imply? It’s likely that you’ll have a greater sense of balance in your life, as well as less stress.

In essence, the hard effort is the foundation, while smart work is the meat. Keep this in mind when you set your sights on your next objective!

How to begin working efficiently and effectively

Photo by from Pexels

So, certain things are easier to say than to do. What suggestions do you have for getting you to work hard and smart? We have a few suggestions:

• Prioritize

What are the most critical items? What exactly is it that isn’t there? Examine the manner in which you are performing a task. Is this the most effective method? Is there a more efficient method of doing things?

• Taking a step back from what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how you can do it better is sometimes the best thing you can do.

• Concentrate on the quality of your work rather than the amount of your output.

Make S.M.A.R.T. goals and minor objectives that lead to larger objectives.

• When necessary and appropriate, delegate work.

• Make a calendar

Time blocking is an excellent method for accomplishing this, as it allows you to make the most of every minute!

WHAT IS THE TEACHING POINT? Work hard and smartly too!

You’ll be more likely to acquire what you need or want if you do so. You also squander less time and energy on chores that aren’t important to you or won’t help you advance. Consider that for a moment. Examine what you’re doing. Decide if it’s the best option, and utilize the tips above to assist you.

