Worried About Choosing Your First Blog Post Topic? Here’s Why It’s Not Worth Overthinking

Unless you’re a fan of reading blank pages…



Photo by George Milton | A blank screen is one of the scariest things you can show a writer!

Anyone who told you writing online is easy is straight up lying to your face.

Is it fun? Of course. Is it exciting? This writer thinks so! But easy? Not so much. At least, not if you’re trying to make writing a part of your business.

And that’s why you’ve landed on this article.

You’ve decided to start a new website to showcase your business. Or maybe you’re just trying to improve your business by starting a blog and building an audience.

You know you want to start typing, but there’s panic rising to the surface — what should my blog post be about?

It’s understandable to put a lot of pressure on that first post. After all, we’ve been brought up to believe first impressions are everything. And in a society where attention is our currency, it’s important to grab your audience when you can.

But when it comes to blogging or starting a website, there is much more room for grace than you realise.

Take me, for example. After years in the copywriting game, I’ve finally decided to make a Medium account. This is my first post… at least on this platform!



Writer for

Owner of Anna's Digital Studio. Gentle Productivity. Notion Magic. Creative Chaos. annasdigitalstudio.com