Write Something Worth Reading

Nathan Collins
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2024

If it were easy, we wouldn’t be writers

Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash

“The most important sentence in any article is the first one. If it doesn’t induce the reader to proceed to the second sentence, your article is dead. And if the second sentence doesn’t induce him to continue to the third sentence, it’s equally dead.” (William Zinsser, On Writing Well)

Don’t waste your reader’s time. Time is in short supply, and if you want to write something worth reading, make it worth it. The audience most of us are writing to are people who have short bursts of time dispersed throughout the day to read our stories. They may be at work, eating lunch, riding the subway, or waiting for an appointment. They are most likely not dedicating hours of that day to reading stories on Medium — 30 seconds to two minutes max. You need to bring your “A” game as a writer. This is an opportunity to hone your craft.

What is the best sentence you can write? Write that. That’s what Medium is for.

What is the best paragraph you can write? If you can accomplish that, you’re doing exceptionally well.

Be efficient in the words you use in every sentence. Kill those worthless filler words we all know that we use.

Speak the truth without the garnish. Let it be real and raw. Grip your readers so tightly that they can’t turn away so that they stay for three, maybe four minutes. If you can make them late for their next appointment, that’s the win!

You have to show up as a writer and bring it! What’s the best you got?

Remember, your reader gives you their precious time when they click on your story. Don’t steal their time. Deliver with something that makes those 30 seconds to two minutes the best of their entire day.

Let’s Write!



Nathan Collins

I'm a Christian, a father, a teacher, a writer, and the founder of Beth Derech School of Discipleship. Christian thought is a passion of mine.