You Can Make 7 Figures Writing Online

If you understand this simple thing

Andikan David
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]
2 min readMay 11, 2024


Photo by Med Badr Chemmaoui on Unsplash

It’s a lie.

The way the algorithm on most writing platforms is, it's hard to make 7 figures. That's the truth we need to accept.

The platforms you’re writing on are designed to make money. They’re businesses that are aimed at making money for the owners so what they do is they give their writers a tiny piece of the pie just to ensure they keep on generating content.

You can’t build a profitable online business if you follow that pattern.

The Path

If you really want to make seven figures, you must understand one thing. When you understand this and perfectly apply it, you’ll notice a difference in your approach to writing.

One thing to note though. In as much as most people write because they love writing, you must understand that writing is a business not just a hobby and that you must treat it that way.

When you look at writing on platforms not just as something you do for fun but as a business, you begin to change your perspective.

Your articles are like your Sales Pitches. And the essence of the entire article is to drive a sale.

You must remember this when you're writing. The real goal of your writing is to sell yourself.

You sell yourself by creating something valuable enough that validates what you say you are.

The Secret

The secret to truly making money online is one word: Passive Income. This is basically income that is generated on its own, almost automatically with little or no extra input.

You must channel your writing to produce passive income for you. So as you sell yourself through your writing, you should sell yourself on the services that you offer. It’s these services that help you create passive income.

For example, I write an article about shoes and then I talk about why you should wear shoes. Then at the end of the article,I add a CTA to my website that sells shoes.

This is a simple example of how you can use your writing to generate passive income for yourself.

Remember that whatever platform you write on is designed to make money for themselves. In order to truly make money writing, you need to divert your audience to your own personal work.



Andikan David
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

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