You Don’t Need to Know Everything When Working on Large Projects

Simple Steps on how to manage large and unfamiliar projects

Samuel Aigbotsua


Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

When you think you’ve learnt something new, you find out you don’t know much. We all know the famous quote saying:

“If you think you know everything, you know nothing”.

As a programmer, I have found that programming can enjoyable, painful and fun all at once. However, as a beginner, one thing to keep in mind is that you can’t know everything and you don’t need to know everything about a language to start. I had a different view when I was at university, but I soon learned, you cannot know everything. All you need is to be adaptable.

Continually learning isn’t just applicable to programming. In many areas of life, you have to keep learning to grow and progress. As a programmer, I have learnt that the more you focus on learning everything about a programming language, the more you know how much you don’t know. It can prove to be a gigantic task, but focusing on specific areas for various tasks will increase your knowledge incrementally.

An interesting quote I found recently explains the learning process:

“Study as if you know nothing. Work as if you can solve anything.”



Samuel Aigbotsua

Interested in all things tech, politics, and finance. I write, read, and code. I am Multifaceted and love poetry.