You’ve Been Writing Your Articles the Wrong Way

How to use your writing to build an online brand

Andikan David
3 min readJun 16, 2024


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

There's only one way to look at it.

It's the only way to look at writing online. Instead of writing as though you're giving a documentary, you should consider looking at writing from this perspective.
Ask yourself this.

What's the difference between my article and the Chat GPT?

People don't want to read articles that have a lot of information in it. If they did, they'd rather Google the term and then just look through the search results.
Writing articles is a form of advertising your business. People want to buy from the person behind the business not just the product they sell.

My writing dilemma

When I first began writing on Medium, I planned to write down conclusions from all the books on business, marketing, and sales I’ve read so far and then every week write an article on them.

A friend of mine asked me what’s the difference between reading the book and reading my article.
So I changed my plans a bit. Instead of concluding the book, I wrote my takeaways by takeaways I meant the parts of the book that interested me.

In doing so, I put out an article that had serious value. From the first line to the last paragraph was filled with value but I had no claps and little views.

It took me a while to realize that when building an online brand, dishing out value isn’t the only thing you need to do.

Add Personal Stories

When I began adding my personal experience with my business and then my experience building a team, I realized my articles were received better and then my followers began to grow.

Your audience wants to see the person behind the business.
If you write articles that create value, people will buy from you.
But if you create articles that have personal stories people will always buy from you.
Because you began to stick to their mind.
They don't just think of you as some person who just dishes out information but to them, you have flaws, strengths, and humor.

When people begin to remember you because of the stories you tell, your brand will be the first that comes to mind when they have a problem.

The Balance

There’s this thing most creators say about tweets. They say you should balance your tweets with valuable content and personal content. This principle applies to every kind of writing.

There needs to be a balance between giving out personal stories and then giving out value
A good rule of thumb will be to write your experience that explains the subject you’re writing on.
Because when you write your personal experience, you’re telling a story.
Human beings learn faster if they are told information in a story than if it is just given in the form of statistics.



Andikan David

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️