Database Replication Strategies

Aakash Goyal
Technical Insights
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2024

To achieve scalability in a high-load system, the Database needs to be replicated.

Below are two famous replication strategies:

  1. Master-Slave
  2. Master-Master

After discussing these two, let's discuss a real-world database replication strategy for highly scalable systems.

Master-Slave Database Replication

Read/Write request is handled by master but slave handles only Read requests.

There are two ways to write to Slave:


Write is considered successful when data is written to master. Slave is updated asynchronously in the background.

Advantages: Faster writes.

Trade-Offs: Gives eventual consistency. Possibility of data loss in case of master goes down before changes are written to slave.


Write is considered successful when data is written to both master and slave.

Advantages: No data loss.

Trade-offs: The system will be highly consistent but not highly available (read CAP theorem for more details). If slave goes down, write won't succeed even if master is alive.

Master-Master Database Replication

Data can be written to either of the master and masters can sync the data asynchronously.

Advantages: Highly available system.

Problems: Write conflict.

A more practical approach for highly scalable systems

A combination of all the above strategies will make the system more robust. Let's discuss the approach now.

To avoid data loss while keeping low latency in the Master-Slave replication strategy, sync strategy is used to create a (warm) backup of Master. Thus, a write is considered successful when data is written to Master and Master-backup.

Master-Master replication is generally used for multi-geography services. Eg Uber booking. One user won't book a cab in Delhi and New York simultaneously.

Ever heard of a Peer-to-Peer strategy or a strategy where all nodes are treated equally? No? Then this article is for you. :)

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Aakash Goyal
Technical Insights

On a mission to help people break their dis-empowering patterns and motivate them from within.