Are Release Notes Useful? Is Anyone Reading Them?

A release note is a document that describes the technical features of new or updated software.

These documents usually include information about:

  • The version number and date of release for each update or upgrade
  • List of the new features and their impact on end-users
  • List of bug fixes and their impact (“fixed a bug that prevented/ caused/ allowed …”)
  • Known issues, limitations, and bugs — especially for internal use (e.g., the customer support department)
  • Known incompatibilities with other programs or devices

The distribution methods of the document vary between different products and other users.

Common channels include:

  • In the product itself
  • Emails
  • Blog posts & social media
  • Google Play & App Store

Maayan Galperin,

Product Manager



Maayan Galperin
Technical Writing is Easy

I believe that knowledge and practical tools are the keys to success in all areas of life. This is what I research, implement, train, and teach others to do.