Malinka Kandanearachchi
Technical Writing is Easy
3 min readApr 7, 2020


Basics Of Technical Writing

By reading this article you will get the basic understanding of technical writing. Later in my future articles I’ll get into more detailed about technical writing. Basic Understanding : What is technical writing ?, How the technical communication influences technical writing? How the problems are solved for a particular communication task? How to clearly define the problem? Then the typical characteristics of technical writing and the understanding of the rhetorical situation in technical writing.

Technical Writing

When you hear the word “Technical Writing” what does it arrives to mind? Perhaps you think of specifications, instructions, software documentation, or technical manuals . This would be correct. But however, it’s not only these that encompasses but the writing produced in many day — to –day business operations.

More Detailed Explanation :

This is a highly “designed” method of communication that allows practitioners to become more aware of the convections (rules and expectations) and rhetorical contexts (audience, purpose context) in which they interact.

Why Technical Communications Is Valuable For Technical Writing ?

Technical communication is “transactional” — a purposeful exchange between the sender and the receiver that contains relevant data for realistic and technical reasons (informing, instructing, persuading) and is generally customized to the needs of a particular audience. This includes a variety of documents :

· Technical or Research Reports

· Proposals and Request For Proposals (RFPs)

· Documentation Records and Product Specifications

· User Guides

· Consumer Literature

· And many more

Problem Solving Approach For Communications Tasks

Communications Tasks which we perform are designed to solve a problem or improve a situation. This is shown by a clearly articulated design process which provides with the clear best solution for the problem.

1. State The Problem

2. Generate Ideas

3. Select A Solution

4. Build The Item

5. Evaluate

6. Present Results

According to the Barry Hyman’s Problem Formulation model to clearly define a problem, which consists of four elements :

1. Need Statement : recognizes and describes the need for a solution or improvement to an “unsatisfactory situation”. Example : What is wrong with the way things are currently ? etc.

2. Goal Statement : describes what the improved situation would look like once a solution has been implemented. Goal Statement defines the scope of the search for a solution. So, at this point you won’t discuss the solution, only the goals that the proposed solution should achieve.

3. Objectives : Define measurable, specific outcomes that any feasible solution should optimize. Objectives provide ways to quantifiably how well any solution will solve the problem.

4. Constraints : Define the limits that any feasible solution must adhere to in order to be acceptable. The Key word here should contain whether the conditions are acceptable or not.

Typical Characteristics Of Technical Writing

· Purpose : Communicate technological and advanced knowledge in a simple, open and functional way to those who choose to use it to make decisions, plan or help organization goals.

· Audience : This is varied, but you can include such as colleagues, managers, and executives as well as clients and other stakeholders, the general public and even readers within the legal system.

· Writing Style : Clear, plain and direct language; may include specialized terminology; uses short sentences and paragraphs; use active voice; makes purpose immediately clear.

· Tone : Business / professional in language, which is between formal and informal; can use first person or second person, as needed.

· Structure : Business / professional in a language that is both formal and informal; can use the first person or the second person as needed.

· Format/ Formatting : It can be in electronic, visual or printed formats. Formatting features: charts, tables and figures, headings etc.

Understanding The Rhetorical Situation Of Technical Writing

When are you going to get the reader to grasp what you need effectively and efficiently?

Start doing this by using a detailed task and audience analysis to make sure you understand the rhetorical situation.

Needs Of The Rhetorical Situation

· Purpose

· Writer

· Audience

· Message

· Context/ Culture



Malinka Kandanearachchi
Technical Writing is Easy

||Associate Business Analyst|| ||Technical Writer|| ||Blogger|| Tech Enthusiastic||