Do you need tech writing experience? Write for one of these open-source projects

Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer
Technical Writing is Easy
2 min readAug 20, 2019
Find a welcoming community of developers and users who need your writing skills!

Recently, I met an Uber driver with a degree in English and experience as a professional writer in Los Angeles who wants to transition into technical writing. She has the skills and smarts to do it, but needs several things to get hired:

  • Experience working with software development teams
  • Knowledge of particular platforms and technologies
  • Doc tools experience
  • A portfolio of tech writing samples

I recommended she start by contributing to open source projects; copyediting at first and creating content later. Most open-source projects welcome newcomers with the skills to improve existing content and document new capabilities.

Denis Arh, a contributor on the Corteza project, says “…this work is rarely paid but all contributions and contributors are public. And this makes it a very valuable CV/LinkedIn/Portfolio material.”

Below, I’ve listed a handful of writer-friendly open-source projects. Reader, if you have any project recommendations, please comment and I’ll add them to the following list. If you know a project team is looking for writers, tell me, and I’ll highlight it in bold italics.

If the thought of just showing up and making commits to a repo triggers imaginary scenarios where you’re being shunned for reason x, y, or z, keep in mind that many open-source projects have inclusive codes of conduct and intentionally walk their talk in a variety of ways.

Mia Arh, VP of Services at Crust Technology and Director at Corteza Project says “I’m thrilled the Corteza project is making a step towards fixing a problem of diversity in IT with a majority women in the board of directors and I’m excited to be part of the organization that truly breathes and lives its values.”

Contribute to these open source projects

Other resources for becoming a tech writer



Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer
Technical Writing is Easy

Principal Tech Writer with a passion for cinema. Sorbonne alum, family man, dog lover, writer by day and night. Walking with audiobooks.