jQuery without jQuery

Technically Haunting
1 min readMay 2, 2017
From: https://github.com/oneuijs/You-Dont-Need-jQuery

jQuery is the library just that wont die, for good and bad. It certainly provides quite a lot of functionality that makes you not have to think too hard about what you want to do, but at the same time, people tend to complain about bloat. Not so much literal bloat, but the fact that tools like jQuery come with a lot of tricks that aren’t quite all needed.

So here’s a nice github repo oneuijs / You-Dont-Need-jQuery that shows a breakdown of how to replace some of the common functionalities of jQuery with modern JS DOM related calls. Although you may not necessarily want to abandon jQuery just yet, this is definitely something worth looking at to understand some of the available DOM manipulations and how to use them, if not just for some education as to what jQuery is doing in the background.

And if all you really need is a little DOM manipulation now and again, this might be worth learning (or wrapping in your own set of calls) to get you to where you want to go.

I wonder if modern day tree shaking can basically remove all the cruft from jQuery that you may not use?



Technically Haunting

interface explorer @ dfstudio.com 🌑 formerly IBM 🌒 ui/ux 🌓 more social online than in person 🌔 enjoying the PNW 🌕 cats 🐾