Vue.js, we pick you!

Technically Haunting
2 min readMay 4, 2017
I seem to be opting for screen captures, I find them more informative than just logos… and sometimes these are crafted from html so it’s not a download-and-use type of thing. From:

Our team chose Vue.js to use as the framework to employ for future updates to our product. What I’m liking so far about Vue is that we can really let it seep in little at a time. It doesn’t HAVE to take over the page or need anything overly complex to work. There’s an easy to install js that you plop onto the page, even from a CDN, that will allow you to start right away, unlike some other frameworks we considered (I’m looking at you Aurelia).

So far, it’s a pretty pleasant experience of being able to sneak it into places where we need it and still keep the rest of our code in place. Initially, we’ll be using it only for templating and simple components. In the future we’ll be using it to design components for reuse in various places in the app, and perhaps, maybe, at some point in time, we’ll be using it to help build and route our app into a cleaner SPA type of design.

The jury is out on exactly how much of the SPA koolaid we want to drink, but Vue will let us get there step by step as needed.

That’s good because we have a lot of history in the codebase that needs to be refactored to make it compatible with modern paradigms (hence my Webpack rant). Just to give you an idea, one of the developers just recently, finally, removed all traces of Prototype and from the yet to be published release.

Perhaps in the future we may be so brave as to do the same to jQuery and Knockout :)

(maybe in a future post, we can talk about the choices we went through before settling on Vue… and Webpack)



Technically Haunting

interface explorer @ 🌑 formerly IBM 🌒 ui/ux 🌓 more social online than in person 🌔 enjoying the PNW 🌕 cats 🐾