Apple’s return to growth has come at a price… Users privacy!

Faisal Khan
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2019


Big techs have been the driving force behind the longest-running bullish market in U.S history. Most of them have tried to reinvent themselves by diversifying their business models. Amazon, the e-commerce giant is now the biggest Cloud provider, Biggest revenue generation for Microsoft is from its Azure Cloud business, Facebook is looking towards digital payments and Apple has turned its attention from Products to Services.

The Cupertino tech giant recently reported the second-quarter earnings. The much-anticipated numbers surprised to the upside after two successive quarters of declining revenues. Apple not only returned to growth, beating Wall Street expectations, but it also raised guidance for the current quarter as well.

Although the current revenue inched up barely to $11.46 billion up from $11.45 billion last quarter — still posted a healthy gain from $10.17 billion same period last year. The services have become the second biggest revenue-generating segment for the company with 21%, second only to iPhone sales at 48%.

Total revenue grew modestly to $53.01 billion owing to strong services & wearables revenue. Profit, however, dropped 12%…



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more