Example chest radiography images of COVID-19 cases from 2 different patients and their associated critical factors (highlighted in red) — Credit: COVID-Net Study

COVID-Net can help doctors detect Coronavirus in chest x-rays

This convolutional neural network (CNN) can help researchers develop an AI tool to efficiently pick up signs of the disease


Although most of the Artificial Intelligence systems are still in the stage of infancy, they have proved their usefulness in a variety of trials across the wide spectrum of the ecosystem. And a lot of people are wondering why we are not utilizing the technology to help tackle the current outbreak. The simple answer is that it could lead to ill-informed decisions where public money is spent on unproven AI technology.

Having said that AI has shown great promise in the healthcare sector with the prediction, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases. An interesting perspective with regards to the current pandemic is that an AI company called BlueDot, which uses machine learning to monitor outbreaks of infectious diseases, was the first to alert its clients — governments, hospitals, and businesses, of an outbreak in China on December 30th.

The company which monitors outbreaks of infectious diseases around the world reported a spike in the pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China — the epicenter of COVID-19. This was a full nine days ahead before the World Health Organization (WHO) officially warned…



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more