
First-ever Robot “supermicrosurgery” performed successfully

MUSA, the robot has built on its initial success by replicating the results on a bigger human trial study


Robotic technology has played an important part in the medical field in the last two decades. The best example in this regard is the Da Vinci system, which is considered the best-selling surgery robot on the market today. This robot can perform high-precision surgical procedures — down to one millimeter. However, the system comes with a hefty price tag of $2 million, plus the expensive maintenance costs.

For those of you who don’t know supermicrosurgery refers to a precise reconstructive procedure that connects ultra-thin blood and lymph vessels ranging from 0.3 to 0.8 millimeters. Due to the highly precise nature of the surgery, it is only performed by a few highly skilled surgeons around the World.

Researchers at the Dutch startup Microsure — an offshoot of Eindhoven University of Technology and Maastricht University Medical Centre, have now developed the world’s first clinically available CE-certified surgical robot for microsurgery. Dubbed as MUSA, the surgeon controlled robot translates their hand movements into precise robotic actions.

“The robot allows us to operate on…



Faisal Khan

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