Global Business Week: Ranking Asset Classes by Historical Returns (1985–2020)

The state of Financial markets & Economies, Weekly Charts, Business Trends & Statistics


U.S markets are torn between gains and losses. On the one hand, continued vaccine optimism is lifting the investor sentiment, that we would return to some kind of normalcy by the end of Q2 2021, but the short term risks are dragging them down. America broke infection rates almost every day of the past week reporting more than 215,000 most recently. A disagreement between the U.S secretary of State & Fed Chair Jerome Powell over the continuation of emergency lending programs also threw cold water on the bullish sentiment.

All three major indexes tumbled into the red on Friday closing out a losing week. This tug of war between bulls and bears is expected to continue until there is clarity on the political front, vaccine deployment, and a new round of stimulus. The dollar index inched lower this week but was able to hold its own just above the Medium-term support. While Greenback may benefit from short term macroeconomic instability, the long term trend is still firmly bearish.

The biggest newsmaker in all this noise has been the premier digital asset…



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more