Immune cells in the belly fat can be used to reverse aging, Research says

Animal trials have shown these immune cells can be used to reverse chronic low-grade inflammation & downstream aging

Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2020


Over the years, scientists have shifted their focus on treating aging as a natural biological progression to a disease or a medical condition that can be treated. Recent studies have shown that aging can be slowed down and even reversed in the ideal of circumstances. Recently, I wrote about how Harvard researchers identified molecules that restore protective caps on the tips of our chromosomes that regulate cells aging.

Researchers from the Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR) and the Institute of Pathology at the University of Bern as well as the University Hospital Bern in Switzerland have now taken a different approach to the same problem. The problem with the current aging process is not the aging itself but the significant weakening of the immune system in the elderly.

This leads to their increased vulnerability to infectious diseases — like the seasonal influenza outbreaks & more recently the COVID-19 pandemic. The ability of the weakened immune system gets severely reduced in warding off pathogens and also limiting the responsiveness to any vaccine. The high…



Faisal Khan

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