Mars exploration shifts into high gear with these historic missions

The U.S, China & the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are sending high tech machinery to reveal the secrets of the Red Planet

Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2020


This year would probably be remembered in the history books for the COVID-19 pandemic more than anything else, eclipsing most of the other events. One of the most significant ones is the multiple missions setting off for Mars. Initial finds by previous missions — including evidence of magnetic field, seismic activity and existence of ancient river beds have prompted follow up missions by various countries.

These three missions — by the United States, China & United Arab Emirates each are historically significant. Although the U.S is sending its fifth mission to the Red Planet, it is the most advanced one yet, with a specific charter to look for ancient life on Mars and collect rock samples that would be the first ones ever to be ever flown back to the home planet.

China, on the other hand, is looking to build on the success of its lunar missions — one of which was the first ever to the far side of the Earth’s satellite. This would be its first-ever Rover to Mars. While the UAE is poised to become the First Arab Country to send an Interplanetary mission.



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