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Researchers propose a new theory on the future of Lasers

Faisal Khan
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2021


Ever since the invention of the first laser in the 1950s, Physicists have built lasers around the quantum mechanics restriction which dictated how pure the color of their light could be. LASER, which is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, works like making copies of the original signal when a photon of the right frequency is sent in to excite the atoms. In new theoretical research, two groups of Physicists are now proposing a solution to bypass this longstanding restriction.

Lasers have found some useful applications in our daily lives like correcting human vision, reading our grocery barcodes, etching computer chips, transmitting video files from the Moon, helping steer self-driving cars & more. And the recent findings could add monochromatic lasers to the lineup, which could eventually be used for applications such as quantum computing.

Unlike the traditional light sources like your table lamp, which emit and disperse photons randomly, photons in a laser travel in sync with each other and exit the laser in the same way — the scientists' term this…



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more