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Scientists have just discovered the biggest Neutron Star ever

The measurement stretches the limits of Physics

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2 min readSep 17, 2019


The neutron stars are the densest objects that we can see in the vastness of the space — so dense that if you were to dice one of them into sugar cubes, each one of them would weigh 100 million tons here on Earth. Astronomers have been studying this phenomenon for years to find out how much mass can these celestial bodies encompass before collapsing into a black hole.

Typically, neutron stars are city-sized objects with a mass about 1.4 times that of the sun born after the explosive demise of larger stars. These neutron stars are observable from the Earth in pulsar form, emitting powerful radio waves. When super heavy stars go supernova, they spit out most of the matter into space. The remaining interior takes the shape of dense core forming a neutron star. Sometimes these cores are so ultra-dense that they go onto form a black hole.

The word neutron star was first coined in the 1930s soon after the discovery of the neutron. This was followed by the regular detection of radio waves of an unknown origin in the 1960s. Thought by some scientists as signals from extraterrestrial life, they were actually pulsars of a neutron star.



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more