The enigma of the ‘DARK WEB’

The evolving ecosystem of the Online Black Market

Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2018


Every day trillions of bytes of data gets generated online & on cellular devices around the world. What most of us don’t know is that this is just scratching the surface of the enormous virtual community called the World Wide Web. The generation of data on this online ecosystem is pretty synonymous to an iceberg on the ocean — which is only 10% above the sea level & the giant 90% of the portion lies underneath the water.

Only in this case, it is even lower, that only 4% of the visible data is on top which is freely accessible and/or generated by popular websites like Google, Wikipedia & Bing, etc. To take everything in perspective just look at the infographic below.

The virtual world of the World Wide Web is divided into three categories:

  1. Surface Web (Clear Net) — consists of the indexed pages on the internet like the one you are accessing right now. Internet giants like Google & Amazon are the kings of this indexed web. Accessible to everyone — Facebook, Gmail & E-bay are examples of this type of Web.
  2. Deep Web (non-indexed) — It is a subset of…




A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more