Graduate students Zachary Hammond (on left) and Nathan Usevitch pick up and move the isoperimetric robot, demonstrating that it is lightweight, resistant to damage and safe around humans — Credit: Farrin Abbott

This shape-shifting soft robot can perform multiple functions

Scientists at two universities have come up with this robotic innovation which is independent & safe for humans


Robots are already playing a big part in the ongoing automation that we are seeing across different sectors of the global economy. However, these autonomous machines are best known to work independently without any human intervention or collaboration. The safety aspect is one of the issues that prevents this from happening.

Human workers have been somewhat wary of autonomous robots since their autonomous nature eventually ends up replacing people with their higher efficiency. To address this problem, the concept of cobots has been introduced. This novel concept is centered around co-operative robots, which are designed to help humans do their jobs more efficiently rather than replacing them entirely. It is perhaps this very reason, that human acceptance and enthusiasm in working with cobots is high.

The same principle field has been applied to the field of soft robotics, where robots can augment the human effort with their efficiency and offer safety coupled with a flexible design. Scientists at Stanford University and the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) have developed a soft robot that has…



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more