Credit: Microsoft Blog

‘Video Authenticator’ is Microsoft’s answer to Deepfake detection

The software giant has introduced two new tools to combat the widespread disinformation on the internet

Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2020


Deepfakes is a class of synthetic media generated by AI and represents another dark side of technology — this form of Artificial Intelligence stole the headlines last year when a LinkedIn user by the name Katie Jones, who appeared on the platform & started connecting with the Who’s Who of the political elite in Washington DC. It was alarming, how deep learning created a real-life image of a person & then penetrated the social media spreading misinformation.

With the U.S presidential elections looming, lawmakers in the country are worried about how deepfakes can greatly jeopardize the transparency of the democratic process. Many of the leading tech companies have been asked for help and are working on developing tools that can detect this fake synthetic media. Global software giant, Microsoft, has now released two new tools that can spot if a certain media has been artificially manipulated.

Dubbed as the ‘Video Authenticator’, the technology was originally developed by Microsoft Research in coordination with Microsoft’s Responsible AI team and the Microsoft AI, Ethics and Effects in Engineering and Research…



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