Wearable sensor technology can’t get any simpler than this

Researchers have developed a new form of “drawn-on-skin” (DoS) electronics, allowing multifunctional sensors and circuits

Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2020


Wearable sensor technology has come a long way in the past decade or so. From smartphones, smartwatches to fitness trackers — most of these wearable devices use some form of health sensors that can monitor various health vitals. These sensors have transformed from bulky devices of yesteryears to flexible patches that stick to people like temporary tattoos. The latter can tap into a wealth of physiological and physical information that can be utilized to monitor, prevent, and treat adverse health conditions.

Not only do these wearable bioelectronics act as a viable technology for epidermal sensing for doctors, but they will possibly act as self-monitoring health tools for individuals in the not too distant future. Currently, however, these wearable sensors come with a couple of handicaps — these predesigned and generic sensors are expensive to produce & secondly, they don’t conform to skin contours perfectly, making them sensitive to the wearer’s motion.

A team of researchers has now made a breakthrough in the field with the development of multifunctional sensors and circuits on the skin by…



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