What can AI do for you so far?

Reviewing different roles Artificial Intelligence is assuming

Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2019


AI has the potential to disrupt every field across the whole ecosystem and it has been making huge strides in that direction. If we are able to come around the ethical concerns regarding the development of Artificial Intelligence, it can help us to perform groundbreaking research in record time— helping us reinvent the way we invent. One such application that I am really excited about is in the healthcare industry.

Drug discovery is a tedious, expensive & often a frustrating process costing tons of money & thousands of precious lives before a cure for a major disease or outbreak is discovered. It’s estimated that potential drug-like molecules outnumber the no. of atoms in the solar system. Needless to say that humans can only explore a tiny share of these with the associated constraints.

There is where AI’s Machine Learning Algorithms are so good at — traversing seemingly unlimited possibilities in a limited amount of time. Atomwise, Kebotix & Deep Genomics are drug-centered AI startups which are performing research based on the combination of neural networks, AI & Robotics.



A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more