Aim SpeechJammer to make others shut up

Nicki Friis


Have you ever faced a situation where you have had to listen to someone speaking gibberish! You must experience that such situations are common when you are in a meeting, and someone wants to take all the credit. They keep on speaking without letting others interfere in between. Being a gentle adult, you won’t leave the meeting and feel like you have to listen to all that nonsense politely!

Now there is good news! You can shut up these people harmless by aiming with a gun.

Aim and stop talking
Two research scientist of Information Science and Technology, named Kazutaka Kurihara, and Koji Tsukada have introduced the gun SpeechJammer. It’s still in its research process, but this tiny gun can help you shutting those who are speaking way too much. Just by aiming a laser beam at the mouth of the speaker you can shut the noise out.
According to Professor Kurihara, the central principle behind the working mechanism of this device is that when people talk they listen to their own voice to confirm that they are speaking correctly. For the brain to confirm that you are speaking what you wish to express the sound must reach your ear within 100 milliseconds. When the voice arrives later than the brain expects, you stop talking and stops up to adjust what you are speaking. The SpeechJammer gun records the voice of the person and delays it by few hundred milliseconds. Thus, stopping you from speaking further.
This technology is fit for people who do not follow the standard rules of conversations. This includes people who take their calls in libraries and disturb others by talking unstop. Even politicians also have the habit of speaking gibberish without giving value to what they are saying and how is it perceived by others! This laser gun can bring back peace to your life.

Future prospect of SpeechJammer
The main prospect of this device according to its creators is that it can stop loudmouths from taking control of any conversation. It aims to bring back peace, not only to individual life but also to the world. However, its progress is still under research, and it may happen that someone gets used to it, and then this technology will not work on them.
The prospect of this device is huge as you can stop those people who do not understand their limit and keep on talking. Once this research becomes successful, it will have many admirers who will love to aim this gun at those who make the place annoying with their dialogue.



Nicki Friis

Partner @weareideanote. Speaker, former podcaster, paradigm preacher and spiritual hacker.