An Introduction to Black Goo

Nicki Friis
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2016

One of the most mysterious objects in the whole world is black goo, which is an intelligent liquid crystal found largely in remote places of Paraguay, Thule Island and under the Gulf of Mexico. If myths are to be believed, this substance is used to communicate with demons.

What is black goo?

Black goo is an abiotic material that is developed in the upper crust and contains high amount of m-state gold and iridium. It bears the characteristic of an unknown type of magnetism, the range of which is much longer than what you would get in ferromagnetism. Owing to this magnetic property, this substance has the ability for self-organizing itself mechanically in various ways.

As of date, there is no definite chemical composition breakup available for the mysterious substance and all that people know about it, is that although it may look like a nonliving jelly kind of substance, in reality, it is very intelligent and it is living. If you stare at the substance for some time, it will splash itself on your face; such is its responsive power.

It is reported to carry an enormous amount of intelligent consciousness with itself. If two boxes containing black goo are kept in the same room, the substances will strive hard to unite with each other, and one can experience the force that they would apply to get out of the box — that includes shaking the box vigorously. Such intelligence from a supposedly non-living liquid crystal is certainly one of the biggest mysteries of the world.

Various forms of the substance

It is available in various forms. While some of the substance is obtained in the German rainwater, some are extracted from the WWII SS black stones. Significant traces of the mysterious substance are also found in meteorites, and it is believed that the largest deposit of Black Goo which is in Paraguay has its origins lying in a crashed meteorite only.

Medium to communicate with demons

The black stones that are used for different pagan rituals are believed to be containing proper amounts of this mysterious living, intelligent substance, which is why they are considered to be a good communicating medium to communicate with demons from the underworld. In the past, stones containing black goo were being used by witches and wizards to perform acts of human sacrifice as they believed that the demon would come out of the goo and fulfill their evil wishes and desires.



Nicki Friis

Partner @weareideanote. Speaker, former podcaster, paradigm preacher and spiritual hacker.