Analytical Undies and Its Impact on Health

Nicki Friis
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2016

Technology is promising humanity with something every other day that promises to change their future. One such innovative item is analytical undies that are developed by the Finnish Company Myontec. They create intelligent sports clothing which comes with the latest technology that can measure the electric impulses that are produced by our human muscles. These electromyographic sensors can measure the electrical impulses that are created by your body when you let your hamstring, quadriceps, and gluteus muscles work.

Analytical undies do not just measure the electrical impulses; it also transmits the data wirelessly to either any of your smart devices (computer, phones, etc.) for analysis. It can also alert you when your muscles are overstrained.

Marketing of the products

When something is useful in measuring the work done by muscles and performance, it is evident that it will have a huge demand among the professional athletes and thus Pittsburgh Penguins, the NHL ice hockey team and Everton FC, the English football team are already using these undies. The gains and applications for the general public are even more beneficial.

Pekka Tolvanen, CEO of Myontec sees the opportunity to utilize this product in the ergonomics, rehabilitation, and the gaming industry. According to New York Times, these undies are quite useful in other deskbound places too. It promises a great opportunity for all those who are worried about how their body is responding to different activities done by them throughout the day.

The best part of marketing this innovative, intelligent sports product is that it does not need any special activity for measuring with the help of the sensors. One can do regular activities and after that transmit the data wireless to their mobile phone or laptop and find out how hard their muscles have been working in the meantime.

Other areas that can be explored

Myontec claims that they are the first company in the world that create analytical wearables based on muscle activities that are measured by electromyography or EMG. With this technology, enterprises can explore a whole new world of fitness applications. EMG have the possibility to make a dent in the quantified self universe, where there will be a huge demand for monitoring heart rate, temperature, oxygen levels and other quantifiable measurements.

With different types of such innovative ideas, the range of fitness equipment will increase more with time. What is new today will be available tomorrow. If the current technology and available measurements will clear the paths to success in this field will remain unknown. But there is no doubt that analytic undies will surely be successful with its usefulness in the future.



Nicki Friis

Partner @weareideanote. Speaker, former podcaster, paradigm preacher and spiritual hacker.