Is 3D Printable Icehouses Our Next Home On Mars?

Nicki Friis
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2016

Every second scientists are crunching data and experimenting to find solutions for how life can be made possible on Mars. Sending spaceships are just not enough to gather information from that far fledged planet. Recent studies have revealed that there is a great possibility of life on Mars. The average length of day at Mars is 24 hours and 37 minutes, of course in comparison to Earth. Although by volume it is just one-sixth of Earth, yet NASA has claimed recently that there is liquid water flowing on Mars.

With all the already existing information, we still don’t know enough about our chance to live on Mars. It is necessary for astronauts to go and stay there, to know the Martian land from there. And how is it possible? Thanks to Icehouse.

What is Icehouse?

For human habitat, the first thing required is accommodation and minimizing the time it currently takes to transport material from Earth to Mars. Thus, it is better to plan out a house from the material that is already available there.

With this background, one designer 3D printed design has grabbed attention recently. NASA has awarded Team Space Exploration Architecture for their Icehouse plan in their 3D printed habitat challenge.

The translucent ice construction will be of a conical shape that will allow light to enter the space. Apart from that, the habitat will be protected from sun’s radiation, as water is the best radiation shield. There will be an outer ice shell and a habitat inside that will provide double protection. Apart from that, there will be a hydroponic garden inside to provide the crew their oxygen.

For saving the outer ice shell from subliming a membrane of EFTE plastic will be spread over the ice shell. This habitat will be built on such section of Mars that has access to ice, and the temperature is below freezing point all the year through.

Is it possible to leverage this idea?

When NASA has taken Mars ice house seriously, there must be something about it. However, the question lies how successful it will be to let humans step and land on Mars. If ever it becomes possible then many companies will try to leverage this idea. However, NASA is still gathering more information about the planet. Once this concept becomes successful, things will be smoother as crew members from NASA can stay there to collect information.



Nicki Friis

Partner @weareideanote. Speaker, former podcaster, paradigm preacher and spiritual hacker.