Is It Possible To Travel Through Wormholes?

Nicki Friis
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2016

Humans have been curious since Stone Age and now in this technological era, their curiosity is forcing them to travel to the deepest areas of space. Now, while exploring the Universe, the problem lies in the fact that it is huge and the nearest star to Earth, Proxima Centauri is about 4.22 light years away. Thus, think about how many years and generations of human being will be required if someone wants to go there.

Scientists have been looking for ways that will enable them to travel the Universe without relying on years of traveling, and to some extend a possible solution may be wormholes.

What are wormholes?

Theoretically, wormholes are made out of spacetime and are tunnel-like connections. It is believed that they provide a shorter distance between two different spaces in the Universe that are far apart from each other. The idea behind using wormholes for space traveling is that astronauts can commute between two spaces in much shorter time, especially when compared to light years.

However, the problem to all this lies in the fact that wormholes are quite unstable, and when any foreign objects will be inserted into them they may collapse completely. Thus, it may seem impossible, yet scientists believe that with more studies and experiments it may be possible that travelers are using wormholes for traveling to unknown space.

Are wormholes really possible and what are their implications?

The question that lies now is if it possible to travel to space with the help of wormholes? Will they be able to transfer someone from one space to another that is far apart from each other? There are different theories put up by various scientists over the last few decades. While someone are of the opinion that wormholes exist, some say that it exists only in theory, and it is not possible that something can connect two spaces. It is not possible to travel to different parts of the Universe by using any shortcut.

Mathematical models by Einstein or others say that calculations predict that wormholes are there but there, is none such proof to ensure that they are present. When such controversy is there, naturally a question arises that if they are there then how can humankind benefit from them?

Is it just that astronauts will travel for their research, or will even travelers be able to go too far off space for some other purpose other than research? The answer to this question lies in the hands of future.



Nicki Friis

Partner @weareideanote. Speaker, former podcaster, paradigm preacher and spiritual hacker.