Smart Fur to Help Getting Over Depression

Nicki Friis
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2017


Humans love to spend quality time and find comfort with their pets. It has a positive effect on your emotions; it helps to reduce your blood pressure or helping you out of depression. However, do you have access to a pet every time you need them?

I believe not. You might not own one because it’s illegal to have pets where you live, you might work somewhere where you may not bring your pet, or maybe your spouse are allergic to them?

What is the solution then?
To help pet lovers and give them access to their pet’s love, University of British Columbia has developed something called ‘smart fur.’ This is a weird looking faux fur that has sensors which allow the fur to mimic a live animal. You can love the way you love your pet and get the feelings that it loves you back.
This smart fur is developed by a graduate student named Anna Flagg, and this sensor is a square blob which is only a few inches long. It can recognize up to 30 gestures of a pet, inclosing scratching and even breathing.
The original aim behind all this is to give a person who doesn’t have access to pets, the same natural and loving feelings of touching an animal. It is developed in such a way that it can infer the same emotions that a living pet would do.

The future of smart fur
If you are feeling down and have a bad day, then you can always seek help from your pet who will ease out your tension. And if you do not have access to a pet, for whatsoever reason you can always try out smart fur.
Once the fur is out in the commercial market, days are not far away from where you’ll always have a kind of animal to pet. Research is still ongoing, and they are aiming for developing something that would really help children in need. It could, e.g., be used by children when the children are in distress. Once this product is fully developed media says it is going to be a great breakthrough.
Companies can now leverage the concept, and once the patent is released, it can be used by anybody throughout the world.

Days are not far away not where somebody who is feeling sad or needs to forget about their problems can use this fur to help them get over the depression. Using the fur might also be a great help for people while they are working, right before someone enters a meeting or just to chill out.



Nicki Friis

Partner @weareideanote. Speaker, former podcaster, paradigm preacher and spiritual hacker.